Why Businesses Are Upgrading to Live Video Monitoring
As we mentioned in a previous article, several trends in the security market have made live video monitoring the most popular new solution in business security.
Due to increased security incidents, challenges in staffing security guards, and cost considerations, an increasing amount of businesses are looking at this new, cost-effective security solution as a way to improve their security operations.
Why? With live video monitoring, you get a top-notch security combination: access to AI-enhanced video technology monitored by expertly trained staff.
As businesses embrace LVM, they are beginning to see the sea change of improvements of the new technology.
Here are the top 5 reasons why businesses are upgrading to live video monitoring:
Reducing false alarms
Artificial intelligence technology inside each camera improves accuracy, reducing false alarms and decreasing the potential for resulting fines.
Deterring criminals in real time
Automated speakers scare off trespassers—and Bay Alarm security specialists connect to verbally engage intruders if needed.
Getting police help faster
Video alarms confirmed by Bay Alarm help reduce false alarms and speed up police response times, since many jurisdictions prioritize verified alarms for response.
Accessing footage from anywhere
Reliable, cloud-based video storage and an easy-to-use web platform and app mean you’re always in control.
Protecting hard-to-secure areas
Businesses with parking lots, equipment yards without fences, or even alleys can rest easier with live video monitoring.
Want to learn more?
Read The Ultimate Guide to Live Video Morning or Contact Us for a free quote or risk assessment.